Saturday May 10th, 2003 we got together at Ursula Foster's Place.

Wretched, I Mean Wrenchin' Hedz:

Saturday morn in T.O. brewed itself up strong and fine like good coffee, and by noon almost 10 local AirHeads had assembled at Ursula’s home to eat her bagels, swill down her fine coffee and stuff their little faces with the very finest offerings from the Palace of Tim Horton. Then someone showed up with REAL bagels (not those disgusting things styled on New York. There are three kinds of bagels in the world this writer has found : New York, Toronto, and Montreal. The first two are good for paving potholes in the road. The last is worthy of worship. But I digress.)

Oh yeah, we also did some wrenchin’. Under the skilled eye(s) of Roger Botting and Ben Barkow. Coop got his R65 fixed (there was lots to work on) spline, neutral switch, oil in the airbox: everything finally got back together and working save the neutral switch, which is a candidate for more sleuthing, swearing and swilling. The AirMarshall got his spline lubed (legal in Ontario between consenting adults). Brian's line got splubed. Skills were developed. Ideas shared.

This is Brian cleaning up his R65's already pretty darn clean rear splines. He didn't really need to but wanted to make us all feel better.Brian cleaning up his rear splines.
Antonio reassembling Martin's R75/6.Here's Antonio tightening up Martin's swing arm after his spline lube. (the bike's, not Antonio's)
Coop, there in the blue gloves, inspecting and cleaning his breather valve to try and find the source of ALL THAT OIL in his air box.Michael tracking down the source of all that oil...

Yeah! for Tony and his daughter, Cooper, Roger, Brian, Fraser, Warren, Ben, Dave, Brett (who showed up, on PD duty, riding a friggin’ HOG, for Chrissake) and Scotty, the Ontario WebMarshall.

A very special AirHead Thanks’ to Ursula, who let us desecrate her driveway and lower local real estate values with this tawdry display of antique machinery littering her driveway. We got ogled a few times by the locals. (Either it is something in the water or genetics, but some of the ogling kids looked decidedly concave! )

So, as we lope into a new week (getting towards Victoria Day, folks!), keep the rubber side down. Ride safe.

- martin in toronto

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