Another Southern Ontario Tech Day

was held on Saturday March 23rd at the home of Paul and Pat Farrauto at Ancaster in their "Garage of Dreams".

In attendance were Roger Botting, Martin Aller-Stead, Lawrence Hogarth, Ben Barkow, Wendy (the biker to be), Joe Young from Lockport, NY and Kenny Frey from Akron, NY, Albino Piasentin, Brett Fogg (Brett and 'Bino actually rode their bikes!), Steve Cross, Tony Espinosa, Scott Beach, Stacy Hannah, Steffi Conant, Dan and Beverley Klestorny

It was ambitious undertaking...

Firefighter Stacey's fire-engine red R65LS
got it's brakes adjusted and bled,...
...steering head bearings lubed...
...and correctly torqued,... mufflers installed, timing set...

...and madly test driven! (Not as dramatic as Warren's 14 year silent R60/7, but a worthy recipient of our collective efforts none the less)

Paul and Lawrence made some expert weld
repairs to Scottie's Lufty fairing mount.
Kenny and Antonio adjust 'Bino's carb floats.
Dan got to try out his prototype /6 model handlebar cozy muffs on 'Bino's bike.

We also tackled an R60/5 main seal on Lawrence's little pal Prudence:

Then because of all that energy burned off to keep warm, we feasted! Bar-beef-qued morsels, breads and salads and a variety of fluids.

Thanks to Paul and Pat for a great day.

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