A Southern Ontario Tech Day

was held on Saturday February 23rd at the home of Albino Piasentin in Waterdown, Ontario in his luxurious heated double car garage.

The plan was to rebuild our carbs and get some expert advise from Ken Frey. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it, but Joe Young from Lockport, NY made the trip up as the U.S. ambassador. Instead of getting to the carbs right away, 'Bino had us all onto his rear wheel bearings so the tech session shifted a little. Apparently the "Great Airhead Work of the Day" was making bearing seals for Albino's wheel bearings out ouf recycled cereal box cardboard. We also got to Lawrence's front wheel bearings and discs. Well, none of the rest of us brought carbs anyway so Albino put new floats on his and reinstalled them.

Everyone left with a John Snider "$8.00" diode board kit. Others in attendance were Brett Fogg, Dan "Cozy-Muffs" Klestorny, Tony Espinosa, Scott Beach, Ben and Evina Barko and our fearless Airmarshall, Lawrence Hogarth.

Coffee and treats were plentiful in the morning including more chocolate cake than any dozen hungry Airheads could eat. We also sat yakin', supping and eating loverly sandwiches 'till 5. T'was a pleasant afternoon.

Thanks, Albino, for your hospitality!

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