On August 11, 2002, some of the Ontario 'Heads got together.

In attendance were Michael Cooper, Michael's cousin Alan Kurtz on a Honda, Roger Botting, Martin Aller-Stead, Lawrence Hogarth (who brought the next Buell), Ben Barkow, Scott Beach, Stacy Hannah, Steffi Conant (who brought a pal but didn't hang out long - sorry I missed you Steffi), Collin Moss (on an R75/6 that was sparkly clean!) and Mike who showed up on a Yamaha Venture.

Most of the attending bikes.

Aw-stenz-ibly this was all about preparing for our 2nd annual Pennsylvania Backroads Blam on the following weekend. In fact it was a gourmet barbeque hosted by our resident photographer, Michael Cooper. Coop grilled some salmon and made samosas and bread and a lie-down-and-roll-around good potato salad. Aside from a crew of Airheads and their airheads, he also invited some regular nice people. That was a cool addition we don't always get to enjoy.

Ben helped in making Michael's bike purr; it got new tires, a valve adjustment and balanced carbs.There may have been some little tweaks and adjustments made but by the time your Webmeister arrived the only project going was to remove Staci Hannah's rear tube and and convert the wheel to tubeless operation.

Roger's got the wheel.The tube comes out.
Roger's got the wheel.The tube comes out.
Martin and Stacy inspect.Rim adjustments.
Martin and Stacy inspect .Room is made for the new stem.
The stem in place.
The new stem in place.
Ben and Stacy servey the scene.Coop surveying Ben and Stacy surveying the scene.
Ben and Stacy looking over the rear of Stacy's R65.Michael snapping the scene. For Michael's view of the event, check his pages.

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