Saturday April 27, 2003 - Freshen yer Fluids!

We got together at AirMarshall Martin's place in the Beach for our first annual Vital Fluids Day. Yeah, there was a bit of vital fluids refreshing (oil, brake fluid, great coffee) but a whole lotta carb tuning and chatter seemed to happen too - as it should be.

Brian, Lawrence, Martin, Roger & Ben

Digesting the TimBits breakfast were: Martin Aller-Stead, Roger Botting, Scott Beach, Lawrence Hogarth (on his Buel airhead), George Small, Ben Barkow, Bones Richardson, Steffi Conant, Ursula Foster (on her Yamaha airhead), Warren Young, Brian Welch, Roman Kleban, Chris Smyth (on his oilyhead) and Dave from Pickering.

George & Roman

After all were fixed, friendlied and fed there was a ride up to Hockley Valley for lunch and to make a good impression on the Airheadless of the world. Lawrence tells me it was a blast! Ben said:
Had a good ride to Woodlands (?) led by Warren who took quite scenic roads west and north from where we left the 404. Matthew the chef-proprietor visited with us, after a great, as always, feed. On Hockley Valley Road, a few km east of Highway 10.

Motor back to the Past Events index.